
Copyright ©2018 Saraswati Mahila Shilpkala Prashikshan Samiti

Design & Developed By LMD MEDIA TEAM

Aims & Objective

Aims & Objective

The organization aims at following and many more objectives

  • Mental, social, moral, educational and intellectual development of women.
  • Arrangement of Library for building reading capacity of the women.
  • Organizing cultural programs, seminars and women summits time to time.
  • Creating feeling of mutual understanding, nationality, country love, manners in women.
  • Conducting women and child development schemes like Handicrafts training, stitching, knitting, embroidery, Anganbadi, crèche service, TRYSEM, Senior citizen literacy programme, run by UP and Central Social Welfare Board.
  • Making women self dependent and confident by imparting them technical training and handicrafts training and leadership development training.
  • Establishment of schools for the educational development of women and making arrangements for the educational from primary to upper primary and secondary level.
  • Making efforts for the maintenance of sanitation and health in villages and towns.
  • Establishment of free of cost training centres for the welfare, social development and education of the underprivileged group of boys/girls, women and youth.
  • Conducting different schemes of State government and Govt. of India for the welfare of neglected and deprived and backward section of the society.
  • Operating free of cost hospitals for the help of poors.
  • Celebrating national festivals.
  • Organizing free health check up camps and free of cost eye operation camps, etc.